Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Tender Mercy

Yesterday was Monday. Which means yesterday was chemo day.
It was a fairly easy one. All she had was a lumbar puncture.
I say that like having a needle in your back, and then having spinal fluid taken out, and then yellow cancer killing goo put in through said needle is all so very normal. Even so it was a fairly quick procedure and we weren't there very long.
The past few days have been good ones for Little Miss Mary. She is smiling and interacting more. On Sunday she even scooted on her bottom across the room. Yesterday evening were having our Family Home Evening and she was slightly distraught over it. So I just stood up and held her, which settled her down somewhat. Then I noticed she was squirming a little, so I turned so she could see what was happening with the little lesson that Aunt Cherie had on the floor with brother and sister. Then I asked if she wanted to sit with sister, which she quickly nodded. So I sat her down and she happily (for her) soaked it all in. Then David felt impressed to ask her if we could sing what used to be a favorite song, Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam, to which she nodded. Then as we sang she joined in. Again he felt impressed to ask her to say the closing prayer. Typically she sits and fusses during family prayer but she nodded again then offered the prayer in only the sweet way that she can. The whole experience, which probably lasted about 10 minutes, was truly a tender mercy. What a huge glimpse of our little girl and what a huge blessing! I have to say the rest of the evening both her parents were a bit on cloud nine over it.
So we have been asked a few times what the plan is for her now that it appears the leukemia is almost gone away. The reader's digest version, we keep going with treatment. Considering one cell could potentially cause everything to go awry again continuing to treat will ensure we get rid of any that might be hiding inside her little body.
Fortunately the next few weeks will be fairly easy. We'll get to a point where they will wipe out her immune system again. For right now, though, her immune system is pretty healthy. Having said that we aren't taking any chances and continuing to limit her contact. We're continuing our hand washing regiment and almost continually cleaning any surfaces she might come in contact with. Like I said, not taking any chances.
Happy Fall everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Read through misty eyes. So thankful for a lovely Father in Heaven to give you those moments to keep you going. xoxox
