Monday, September 15, 2014

Day 29

When we were in the hospital, and had Mary's leukemia diagnosis confirmed, Dr. T. handed me a calendar for the next three months. She pointed at today's date and called it Day 29. Then she told me everything they would do on this day, and what it would mean. It might as well have nbeen 20 years away, that's how far from Day 29 I felt.
But now we're here.
Day 29.
At the moment we are still sitting in the hospital, waiting for her chemo infusion to finish. The lumbar puncture, wih chemo injection, is done. The bone marrow aspiration is done. And the first chemo infusion is done. She did amazing throug it all, especially since she hadn't eaten since the night before. As soon as she got in the car she asked for french fries about every 10 minutes. After the procedure she woke up righ away and once she saw us started asking for food.
And now, as is the common theme, we wait. 

A little Mary update. We are still dealing with her tummy issues. Which have created a very sore bottom. It's so uncomfortable for her so we're trying our hardest to make her comfortable.
She is eating and drinking like a champ. She usually requests french fries, a sandwich or pizza. 
Sleep is really hit or miss. In part, I think, because of her tummy issues.
She is still very weak, she won't bare weight on her legs unless really forced. 
And the hair is mostly gone. She has a number of wispies, kinda like cotton candy. I'm not sure if the rest will fall out or not. It knots up in the back so I may need to do something with it. I'm working on being brave enough to post pictures of her.

We will be back as soon as we hear the results from today. Thank you for your continued prayers!

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