Thursday, September 18, 2014

Still Waiting

Before I get to all the fun I'm having waiting I want to hgive a quick update. 
By Momday Mary was still struggling with some bowel issues. I had thought we had gotten rid of what we thought was a blockage but she was still having issues. Stinky story short they discovered she has C. Diff, which is one of those not good so good bacteria that affects the gut. So we have more medicine to give her to get rid of that.
Back to the waiting
We are still waiting on our final test result from Monday's bone marrow biopsy.
I had thought we would have something Tuesday but the doctor told me Monday it would probably be Wednesday. And now it's Thursday and we still don't have it. From what the nurse has told me, and believe you me I've chatted with her a few times about this, the fact that we don't have what we've been waiting for is purely a clerical error. Some of e report have come but that one number I want, the one that determines where we go from here. The one that tells us just how well treatments are going. Yeah that number. That's the number we don't have yet.
Here's what I do know. On Tuesday Dr. T. looked at the slide of her bone marrow and told us that it looked beautiful. That it was full of healthy, happy cells. Just how happy and healthy we won't know until we get that final result. We also know that from the tests run, in one million cells there were no blasts found. Which I think means there were no leukemic cells. Both these things are very encouraging but I still don't feel like I can breath a little easier, and start partying, until that final result. 
As if she knew I would need something to distract from this wait Little Miss has been smiling today! It's been a breath of fresh air to see that smile again. And I'm loving everyone she hands out.

1 comment:

  1. That is pretty good news! Minus the waiting of course... no news = good news??
    Im glad shes been smiling. That makes ALL the difference.
