Tuesday, September 9, 2014

One Huge Update

Yesterday was another chemo day. It wasn't as long as last week was but still so exhausting for both of us.
Let me back up a bit. By Sunday she was eating (lots of sandwiches) and drinking so good. I was thrilled and to be honest, looking back, a little too comfortable.
Monday morning started off busy. Her appointment was earlier than the week before so as soon as I had the kids ready and out the door I needed to get us ready. I've designated a "treatment" bag with some things in it but there are other little things that I need to remember the mornings of her appointments. Then in addition to all of that our van had to be taken into the shop. I got everything done and where it needed to be, finally, and we were off. Granny, again, came with us.
When we got to her appointment was when I realized i had forgotten to give her her morning meds. Big fat face palm. Fortunately they were able to push one, the important one, through her IV.
She was incredibly feisty during the visit. And while her sores on her mouth are finally healing, she picks at them which is make that healing take longer. And her weight has gone up. So that was, of course, good news.
We talked about next weeks visit, I'll get to that later, then headed over to the treatment center (down a couple of hallways). Because of all the feistiness I expected her to fight through the accessing procedure, but she didn't even flinch. With her iPad in hand she just laid around for the whole treatment. She did give her a bag of fluids, to error on the side of caution, and then had her morning med through the IV then had her chemo for the day.
As we were leaving I noticed her cheeks seemed a little puffy. By the time we got home her face was much more swollen and her stomach was a bit firm, but not solid. And she hadn't had much by way of wet diapers. She was also pretty fussy most of the way home and just wanted a cuddle. Once we got home she settled into her spot on the couch and was doing much better. Although she did start sweating like crazy. I called the nurse because the swelling was concerning to me. She called me in a prescription for lasix. It was evening by the time I was able to get it and come back and give it to her. I expected it to work pretty quick. Of course it didn't, though. It took most of the night in fact. She fell asleep on the couch and all I could do was sit and watch her. I had to wake her up to give her her evening meds (I've learned my lesson and set alarms on my phone), which of course ticked her off. Fortunately she was ready to go back to bed as soon as we were done. I took her upstairs but again all I could do was watch her, and pray.
She was also having a gas issue. She had a couple of bowel movements in the afternoon/evening but was still so gassy. I knew that was why her stomach was so firm. Throughout the night she would wake up every hour and half to two hours very much uncomfortable. I finally took us downstairs where she could be loud in her frustrations and not keep anyone else up.
At around 1 she finally had a wet diaper (she'd had a couple in the evening, but not as wet as they should be) and then at 5 the flood gates really started opening up. By 8 or so this morning I could tell that she was feeling better. She was asking for her sandwiches again (always meat ones) and would even drink for me. Such a relief! But I was oh so very tired. David decided to take the day off and so I was able to go back to bed. So very grateful for that.
I think this experience over the past 24 hours has taught me not to get comfortable. Like ever.
So next week. Monday we go back to the hospital for her to have another bone marrow biopsy, have another lumbar puncture and have a few different chemo infusions. It will be a huge day. Her bone marrow will again be sent to a lab in Nebraska. They will test for her minimal residual disease. To see what is left of the leukemia. We need the number to be less than 1. Really, really need that. If it is not then we will continue the induction phase of treatment for two more weeks. But I'm praying that we won't have to. So I need you to do the same!
In a couple of hours I leave to pick up my mom at the airport. I'm so ready to have her here. My mother-in-law, Granny, has been phenomenal helping in so many ways. I have so appreciated all that she has done for us. I was thinking the other day, though, that Miss Mary often just wants me. She wants to know where I am and that I'm close. She usually doesn't know what she wants with me, just that she wants me. That's how I'm feeling. Mom's are pretty powerful, in my view.

1 comment:

  1. We are still praying praying for Miss Mary!
    Love, the Haddock family
