Sunday, August 24, 2014

Quiet Weekend

This weekend Miss Mary has been sleepy. She slept all evening yesterday and pretty much slept through the night. As much as anyone can sleep through the night in a hospital. 
She is most definitely tired of being here. Yesterday morning she kept telling me she wanted to go. And when we went on our walk and did not go down the elevators, well, she did not hide her displeasure.
While I can still get smiles out of her every now and again her mood is most definitely just sad. Her mood greatly affects my mood, I'm noticing. Yesterday after the sad wake up I was eventually able to get her back to sleep. I felt sad with her. I felt the heaviness. And I had my pressure release. It was strange to feel hopefull and peaceful about this situation but at the same time feel the weight of it. 
Fortunately after her nap she woke up in a much better mood. Of course she was until I made her take a bath. I will say that I bribed her with a popsicle, not above it.
Late Saturday afternoon she announced bedtime again and we both took a snooze. That evening we had visitors, that she slept through. It was nice to sit and talk things through, and answer questions. One even brought me a "mom hug." 
Mary finally woke up around 9. She had to take her night time meds and have her vitals done. I expected her to be up half the night but it wasn't long before she started announcing bedtime again. 
In the morning she once again woke up just kind of sad. After some snuggles she was finally willing to sit up and eat. We had visitors in the morning, David brought the kids. Loved just sitting and talking and watching them interact. Ruth just wanted to play with Mary's new stuffed animal and William stood over her giving her drinks, of course rotating through them all. He's a pretty awesome big brother.
After they left we had a little quiet time before we had more visitors. Ms. Kim the kids' preschool teacher came, with two of her girls, to see the girl. She had Mary in her class for the past three years so they're quite attached to each other. She visited a little. Sang along to "Let it Go," and said "oh, Kim!" Every time she looked up and saw her.  We tried to go on a walk but she wasn't having it and insisted on being carried."
She did take a little nap in the afternoon. Woke up, though, when they started her platelet transfusion since they have to take vitals pretty frequently. 
For meals she ate breakfast and lunch pretty well, but just picked at dinner. By evening time she just needed snuggles. 
Lab work the past few days has shown her platelets low, WBC count decreasing, and hemoglobin low but sort of steady. The numbers make me nervous but Dr. T. has assured me that she's doing exacting what she should, in fact I think she used the word "textbook."
She had the transfusion this evening in preparation for tomorrow. In the morning she will have a lumbar puncture wih an enjection of chemo into her spine as well as an infusion (through her port). They will sedate her for the lumbar puncture, which she handled fine last Monday. Just took her a while to wake up. We will also start preparations to work towards going home. I feel like there's so much I need to know before I take her home. I'm nervous to leave the "hospital bubble" where almost all of her care will go to me. 

On the other hand the two of us are oh so very ready to be home!


  1. I so wish I could be there to snuggle her and give you a big hug. Hopefully home is on the horizon.

  2. We are praying for you and your family. I love the pictures you both look great. Thank you for sharing your journey.
    Lisa B
