Thursday, August 21, 2014


After such a hard night I was so grateful to have a day with no procedures. And after such a long hard day and night she just wanted to rest, not that I blame her. But our main focus for the day was to get her moving. In the morning we tried a walk. She would walk a little then sit. Then repeat. When we were finished as she was trying to climb back in bed her legs were shaking. She was, of course, exhausted and fell asleep not long after. When she woke up the nursing students gave her a bath and were assigned to play with her. I decided to take advantage of that time and get some fresh air, literally. I walked outside and since there were no benches (think I went out the wrong entrance for benches) I found a place to sit in some rocks. I had my daily pressure release.
It didn't last long though. 1. It was hot outside (I've been living in a season of sweaters and fuzzy socks on the inside) and 2. Bugs were starting to crawl on me. I took the rest of my little break inside on a comfy chair. 
When I came back to her she was pretty much zonked out again. So I just let her rest some more. Getting the yucky stuff out of her body is hard work. 
She didn't sleep too long and when she woke up she was fussy, wanting to be held. As I held her she said, "Mama, I hurt." My heart nearly broke in two. I asked her where and she pointed at her stomach. A common side affect to one of the meds is nausea but she also hadn't eaten in quite some time. I had the nurse bring us a buffet. Jello was the clear winner. I ordered her some real food as well. Since I was the one feeding her she ate a good amount. The only problem was she still had her Oxygen max so I would have to fit the fork or spoon into the hole along he side of the mask. It was a bit tricky to say the least. 
The food really did the trick and she perked up. I was able to get her out again but this time just in the wagon. And since kids were playing in the toy room we had to just wave as we went by. 
The evening was fairly smooth and up eventful. She has been logging quite a lot of time on the iPad, which she doesn't complain much about. And I've learned the hard way that I better charge it at night regardless of the battery level or we'll be in trouble. Up to this point she has just watched shows or movies. I was so encouraged to see her, finally, choose games to play with. 
Today was really a day to recover and maintain. By the end of the day, and when her movie was over, she pushed theiPad away and said, "suggle, mama, bedtime." And then tapped the spot on the bed next to her. How could I refuse?

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