Thursday, October 2, 2014

Fresh Air

This week I have been trying so much harder to make the conscience decision to let go of everything I was hanging onto last week. Some days are easier than others but I keep trying.
Sunday night, before heading to her doctor/chemo appointment Monday, I had decided to pack a hospital bag. I wasn't sure if I would need it Monday or not. It was something I could do, though, something I could have control of. I don't know when we'll have to drop everything and get her to the hospital but I can be prepared regardless. I didn't pack much. But just having something ready has made a tremendous difference.
Her appointment Monday went very smooth. She had another lumbar puncture, which means we had to go to the hospital for it. It seems like each time we go we are recognized by more people. We saw Dr. O. this time, which is who we were seeing last week for her little hospital stay. They are both so different but they are both so good. She put her back on the medicine for the C. Diff. I think to calm my fears more than anything. She, once again, assured me that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. That everything we were doing was right. And that she thought Little Miss was so cute and she just wants to hug her.


Yesterday I decided we needed some air. I pulled the double stroller out of the basement, I thought it would be the most comfortable for her. Then I sprayed off all the dust and such. After it dried I carried her outside. As I was putting her in it she said, "What?" It sounds a lot like, "what in the world are you doing to me?" But she didn't scream. Then after we had walked around the block once she wanted to keep going.
Then later in the afternoon she and I walked over to Granny and Pap's house to get the big kids after school. She wasn't quite as content with that walk but she went with it. And then she was mad that we we didn't stay longer at Granny and Pap's.
But I got her out of the house, to somewhere besides a hospital. Fresh air for the win.


Which brings us to today. We had to take her to get her blood drawn to check her fibrinogen (aids in clotting) level. A few weeks ago when she had it checked we ended up having to take her to get plasma. I had hopes we wouldn't have to do that today. Fortunately we don't have to go today. Unfortunately we have to take her in tomorrow. It is low but at the same time the doctor has told us it can wait for tomorrow. So why does it keep running low? The chemo. But thankfully they can do something about it.

So far that is our week.

Check back with us tomorrow for a fun surprise!

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