Friday, October 3, 2014

Two Bits of Fun

So yesterday I thought I would have just one fun thing to share but by last night I realized I would have two. Boom. Two for the price of one. How happy is that?


First things first. Mary and I are doing some virtual visiting today. We're over at This Little Miggy as part of her Special Needs Spotlight. We've visited her before but today it's all about Mary. So while Mary and I are headed off to get her some plasma in real life you can jump over and take a virtual visit with us.
Also I share a picture, for the first time, of Little Miss Mary's beautiful (and hatless) head. I don't know why but sharing pictures of her and almost no hair is a struggle for me. But the two of us are working hard to be brave.


And second! Bracelets! A friend of ours has had some "Team Little Miss Mary" bracelets made, in orange of course, and they're here. You can get one too, if you'd like. They're just $5. Email Lynette at and she will get you all set up.

Happy Friday friends!

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